Toya is a one-of-a-kind, highly regarded life coach who was designed to live creatively and invest her time and energy encouraging others to do the same. A best-selling author, accomplished ghostwriter, and sought-after speaker, Toya’s published works have been fan favorites on Amazon, Audible, and in local bookstores. Toya’s words, whether written or spoken, will motivate you to chase your dreams to fruition.
What sets Toya apart from other life coaches is that she is a certified Enneagram coach. Toya’s knowledge of the Enneagram will help you embrace your authenticity, increase your awareness, and raise your acceptance. If you are seeking greater spiritual, relational, or creative connection, Toya can help you move (grow) from alone to aligned.
Toya is a native of Muskegon, Michigan who resides in Huntsville, Alabama with her husband and six kids. Her family is her sanctuary, and having a healthy marriage and pouring love into her family is always her top priority.

My Story
mic drop
an instance of deliberately dropping or tossing aside one's microphone at the end of a performance or speech one considers to have been particularly impressive.
As a public speaker and poet, I know what it feels like to have a mic drop moment. This image is an outward reflection of how I have felt in my heart at the end of an event that I've hosted, talk that I've given, a article that I published, or poem that I've written.
drop the ball
to fail to keep working to reach a goal.
As a wife, friend and mom, I also know what it's like to have a ball drop moment. I've had far more ball drop moments than mic drop moments.
When given the opportunity to add value to someone else's life, event, or organization, I would show up and shine. However, when it came to pursuing my creative passions, I would often drop the ball.
Dropping the ball on personal goals can feel like a brand new, shiny cell phone that slips out of full hands and crashes on concrete. That shattered screen (shattered dream) serves as a daily reminder that you shouldn't have been trying to carry so much. Your phone is still capable of performing, but you feel robbed because you didn't get to enjoy the newness of your investment before it started looking old. Now, it's not as special to you, and you start to feel as though everyone who sees it will view you as irresponsible.
pick up the pieces
restore one's life or a situation to a more normal state, typically after a shock or disaster.
There is life after a shattered screen and hope after a shattered dream. A shattered screen may compel you to purchase that warranty, screen protector, and Otter Box to protect your next investment. Much like a shattered dream can cause you to carry less so that you can accomplish more.
In 2011, my husband and I adopted three children ages one, two, and three, and we already had three children that were nine, eleven, and thirteen. Yes, that's six children. I was overwhelmed, yet my complicated life caused me to communicate more clearly. Cultivating creativity in the midst of life's crazy was the only thing that made me feel sane.
If you are a creative entrepreneur who is not creating, your life is probably either too comfortable, or your chaos hasn't gotten crazy enough. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I'm here if you need me.
Are you ready to stop waiting and start creating so you can FINISH?
Whether you are overjoyed by your creative accomplishments or overwhelmed by your responsibilities, I challenge myself professionally to create a range of options to give you permission to start, strength to endure, and the courage to finish.
Contact me for hosting, facilitating, ghostwriting or public speaking.